Hari Aum.
I have had a fair number of people contact me via my free vedic astrology site asking who their ishta devata (favourite form of God that leads one to liberation) is based on their chart.
For those who have some knowledge about vedic astrology, I am writing a post on this topic today for their interest. There are many good articles on this already online but I'm providing a brief summary here for the benefit of readers of this blog.
How to find the ishta devata in the vedic astrology chart:
1. Find the Atma Karaka (AK), i.e. the planet with the highest degrees in the chart.
This planet represents one's soul. (Some say that having a malefic planet as AK, rather than a benefic, suggests greater spiritual development in the past and potentially more suffering in this lifetime during the dasha of the AK- as a malefic planet teaches one tough lessons quickly. On the other hand, dasha period of benefic AK planets will also give spiritual lessons but possibly more gently).
2. Find the position of the AK in the vimsamsa (D 20) chart of spirituality.
This house is called 'karakamsa'. Some people say the navamsa (D 9) chart should be used here. PVR Narasimha Rao (author of the Jagannatha Hora software and a researcher in vedic astrology) says that in his view, the vimsamsa should be used as this is the chart of spirituality (not the navamsa). I have experimented with both navamsa and vimsamsa in this regard, and found his approach to be more accurate. Therefore I too use the vimsamsa here.
3. Now look at the 12th house from the karakamsa to find the planet that represents the ishta devata.
This house reveals the ishta devata. If there is a planet in the house, that planet represents the ishta. If there is more than one planet, take the strongest. If there is no planet, look at the planets aspecting the house, and take the planet with the strongest aspect. If there is no planet aspecting the house, take the lord of the house as representing the ishta.
If the AK is Rahu/Ketu (which always move in a retrograde manner) count the 12th house from karakamsa anti-zodiacally to find the house of the ishta devata. i.e. if AK Rahu is in Sagittarius, then counting 12 houses in reverse order of the zodiac (reflecting the movement of Rahu/Ketu), one will get Capricorn as the house from which to see the ishta.
4. Find the higher deity (form of God) indicated by the planet representing the ishta devata.
Once you have the planet, you have the representative of the ishta devata. There are various views on the deities that different planets represent. I am sharing some information on this below:
Sun- Shiva, Rama
Moon- Parvati, Divine Mother
Mars- Subramanya, Narasimha, Hanuman
Venus- Lakshmi, Divine Mother
Mercury- Vishnu
Jupiter- Guru, Samba Shiva
Saturn- Narayana
Rahu- Durga
Ketu- Ganesha
Once the ishta devata is found, one needs to do some regular sadhana related to that deity. This may be daily japa, puja, homam, karma yoga or some other sadhana. This helps one to obtain the grace of the ishta devata which leads to spiritual liberation.
Hari Aum Tat Sat
I have had a fair number of people contact me via my free vedic astrology site asking who their ishta devata (favourite form of God that leads one to liberation) is based on their chart.
For those who have some knowledge about vedic astrology, I am writing a post on this topic today for their interest. There are many good articles on this already online but I'm providing a brief summary here for the benefit of readers of this blog.
How to find the ishta devata in the vedic astrology chart:
1. Find the Atma Karaka (AK), i.e. the planet with the highest degrees in the chart.
This planet represents one's soul. (Some say that having a malefic planet as AK, rather than a benefic, suggests greater spiritual development in the past and potentially more suffering in this lifetime during the dasha of the AK- as a malefic planet teaches one tough lessons quickly. On the other hand, dasha period of benefic AK planets will also give spiritual lessons but possibly more gently).
2. Find the position of the AK in the vimsamsa (D 20) chart of spirituality.
This house is called 'karakamsa'. Some people say the navamsa (D 9) chart should be used here. PVR Narasimha Rao (author of the Jagannatha Hora software and a researcher in vedic astrology) says that in his view, the vimsamsa should be used as this is the chart of spirituality (not the navamsa). I have experimented with both navamsa and vimsamsa in this regard, and found his approach to be more accurate. Therefore I too use the vimsamsa here.
3. Now look at the 12th house from the karakamsa to find the planet that represents the ishta devata.
This house reveals the ishta devata. If there is a planet in the house, that planet represents the ishta. If there is more than one planet, take the strongest. If there is no planet, look at the planets aspecting the house, and take the planet with the strongest aspect. If there is no planet aspecting the house, take the lord of the house as representing the ishta.
If the AK is Rahu/Ketu (which always move in a retrograde manner) count the 12th house from karakamsa anti-zodiacally to find the house of the ishta devata. i.e. if AK Rahu is in Sagittarius, then counting 12 houses in reverse order of the zodiac (reflecting the movement of Rahu/Ketu), one will get Capricorn as the house from which to see the ishta.
4. Find the higher deity (form of God) indicated by the planet representing the ishta devata.
Once you have the planet, you have the representative of the ishta devata. There are various views on the deities that different planets represent. I am sharing some information on this below:
Sun- Shiva, Rama
Moon- Parvati, Divine Mother
Mars- Subramanya, Narasimha, Hanuman
Venus- Lakshmi, Divine Mother
Mercury- Vishnu
Jupiter- Guru, Samba Shiva
Saturn- Narayana
Rahu- Durga
Ketu- Ganesha
Once the ishta devata is found, one needs to do some regular sadhana related to that deity. This may be daily japa, puja, homam, karma yoga or some other sadhana. This helps one to obtain the grace of the ishta devata which leads to spiritual liberation.
Hari Aum Tat Sat
June 28, 2024
Dear Readers,
The comments section on this post is already very long and it is not easy for me to keep track of your queries on ishta devata here. Therefore, I will not be publishing any further astrology ishta devata/other personal reading queries on this page from now onwards.
However, if you would like to share your thoughts related to spirituality/astrology in general, you are very welcome to do so here.
If you wish to send me a query regarding your ishta devata, please do so via the contact page on my free Vedic astrology site (see details on this blog; currently, it can take me 1-2 months to reply due to work and other commitments).
Thank you for your understanding.
Om shanti