Hari Aum.
I have mentioned previously on this blog that I became aware of this subject a couple of years ago in late 2021. Since then, certain events have occurred in my life and while I was trying to make sense of them, I came across various resources on this subject.
I would like to share some of these on this page that I feel are helpful. This is intended for those who are also seeking answers to their own experiences that seem to fit with this twin soul journey. (I will update this page as and when I feel I need to in the future).
Sept 12, 2023:
Before I go further, I would like to say that I have followed a traditional spiritual path till date and I intend to continue doing so as I feel this has great value (and the twin soul journey is integrated into this; it is not separate). This is based on the teachings of my Guru, Swami Sivananda, and involves the practice that he calls 'integral yoga', i.e. a blend of bhakti, jnana and karma yoga, with an emphasis on mantra japa.
When I first discovered my Guru in November 2004, my life turned upside down. All my priorities changed and I decided to pursue the spiritual path seriously. I took mantra diksha in his lineage in 2005 and japa has been the foundation of my spiritual life ever since.
The practice of regular, daily japa over many years (including the purascharana practice for over a decade), combined with the other elements of my Guru's 'integral yoga', led to some events and experiences that often occur in seekers on the spiritual journey (these are helpful milestones suggesting that the mantra is having some effects in one's life and one should continue the practice until the goal of Realisation is attained).
Then, from late 2020 some rather different events started taking place in my life, mostly on an inner level that compelled me to take stock of my spiritual life, that created a new spiritual awareness and approach.
Looking back over the years, the first significant upheaval in my life occurred with the arrival of my Guru, Swami Sivananda. And the second upheaval was due to the arrival of my twin soul relatively soon afterwards in 2007 (I did not realise this was what had occurred until well over a decade later).
I would like to say that it was a dream of my Guru in early 2021 that first led to my beginning to realise that this was a twin soul connection (it took another couple of years to start to accept this, but had this dream not occurred, I would never have permitted myself to explore or even try to understand this connection that does not fit the definition of any ordinary human relationship). It is because of him alone that I began to realise that there was a spiritual dimension to this connection (and that, far from judging me, my Guru felt that I should acknowledge this reality).
I therefore feel that my Guru stands with me on my spiritual path which includes the twin flame journey. I feel that he actively looks after both myself and my twin soul regardless of whether or not we are aware of it.
And so, today, in honour of this connection with both my Guru, and also my twin soul, I am writing this page. They have both played and continue to play a unique and important part in my spiritual life and I am very grateful for this. They are both very dear to me in their own way. As explained in the second video below, there are three beings involved in the twin flame journey, namely, the twins themselves and the Divine in the form of God/Guru. I feel the truth of this statement with absolute certainty today.
I am writing this page for others who were merrily walking on their spiritual path, cheerfully living their lives, before they suddenly fell into an abyss and discovered the strange, beautiful, painful, vulnerable and perplexing world of the twin soul experience.
Very few people seem to talk about this in spiritual circles and, of those who talk, only a small portion seem truly authentic.
I recently discovered a lady known as Pradnyaa Pandit who seems to know what she is talking about with regard to this subject (I still know only a little about this as it is relatively new to me). She has been through and is still experiencing this twin soul connection as part of her spiritual path.
I spoke with her on a couple of occasions recently and found her to be very sensible, kind, understanding and knowledgeable. I am very grateful to Krishna for guiding me to her (she is also a devotee of His) and I pray that she may be blessed by Him for all the good work that she does by helping others on this spiritual journey.
I am going to share some of her videos that she advised me to watch as I feel some of you may also benefit from these (please see below for the links; just to say, there are also various other videos that she has created on her YouTube channel related to this subject).
Once again, just to say, before we go any further, the twin soul journey is an inner one, a spiritual journey. It is a connection that involves numerous 'meetings' and 'separations' (whether in-person, in dreams or simply energetically).
This journey includes an intense cleansing of past karmas; it provides ample opportunities to work on oneself. It very much challenges the ego; it helps one to realise the presence of the 'shad ripus' (six enemies) of spiritual life within oneself.
Ultimately, it requires one to actively seek and firmly hold the hand of God and develop devotion (as there is little other option to maintain any peace in life).
It is not particularly easy or pleasant (those who believe this is merely a romantic relationship with no other purpose could not be more sadly deluded). But then again, no spiritual journey is easy for any soul. So, any spiritual seeker who discovers that the Universe has unexpectedly supplied them with a twin soul should really not be surprised at all.
In fact, if there is one thing that one learns on the spiritual path, it is to expect the unexpected. The only certainty in life is that life is very uncertain in every way. And God really is most unpredictable. But He does everything for our own good, even if we cannot see it at the time. So, with this faith we plod on with our spiritual practices in life.
So, without any further ado, let me share a few of the videos that Pradnyaa advised for me (you may find them helpful too):
1. Why do some souls have a twin?
2. What is this twin flame energetic connection and how does one cope with it in daily life?
(Many twin souls can find the constant energy of their twin soul confusing and do not know what to do with it, how to live life with it. Here, Pradnyaa offers some useful suggestions).
3. Why do twin flames meet and separate repeatedly?
(Pradnyaa actually likens meeting a twin soul to meeting a dentist. Just as a dentist tells a patient with a complex problem, to receive a series of 5-10 treatments over a long period of time, similarly the Universal Dentist uses the meetings and separations of the twin souls to 'treat' their spiritually complex issues.)
4. This is a link to Pradnyaa's general YouTube channel with interesting videos on various topics related to this journey (I intend to gradually watch some of these in the coming weeks and months to gain a better understanding of this subject):
Om Namo Narayanaya.
Hari Aum Tat Sat.
P.S. I have found the following videos, also by Pradnyaa, to be very useful and insightful on this strange spiritual journey:
1. The Higher Self of one's twin soul as a source of support in our lives:
2. The comfort zone and communication with one's twin soul:
I have also found these speakers to be very helpful in understanding the twin soul journey:
Hari Aum Tat Sat
Namaste.. you are blessed indeed. Not everyone is lucky to have a Guru and a twin flame. Purva Janma PuNya
DeleteHaving a Guru like Sivananda is a great blessing indeed-- he is like a great light in the darkness of this material world, and I feel extremely grateful to the universe to have him.
I'm less sure about the purpose of these possible twin flame connections but will leave this in the hands of God...
I had fallen in love with a girl i 2021 and it was certainly divine perhaps. There was a moment of a few seconds where a part of my heart unlocked which i didnt knew even existed. It was one of the most amazing feeling in the world. But i couldnt bear my seperation from her and felt into depression. I was so confused why did God gave me such a inner connection and didnt help me to fulfil it perhaps.
ReplyDeleteI loved her like a real godess, but didnt have the guts to talk to her except a few times.
DeleteIn the Bhagavatam, Krishna Himself tells the gopis that it is by the will of God that people in this world are brought together and then separated.
Similarly, our Gurus tell us that this world is like an inn, and we are like pilgrims on our way to a destination (God). We may meet here for brief while and then, sooner or later, we must go our separate ways. The ultimate destination for us all is God.
If we keep Him by our side always by repeating His name and remembering Him, then our lives will be blessed. When we look back at our lives, we will see that things ultimately turned out for the best.
What is destined for us, will come our way; and what is not destined for us, will not--that is the way of karma, that is the way of the will of God, and His will is always for our benefit. There is a spiritual purpose behind every event in our lives.
I hope your depression has resolved and that you are at peace.
May God bless you.