Vedic astrology free service

Hari Aum.

I am providing a free vedic astrology service for both spiritual and material queries via the following website (due to having a busy personal and professional life, I cannot guarantee a reply to all queries though I do try and respond to everyone):

Hari Aum Tat Sat


  1. I read your blog on the way you went about explaining your D20, it was very nice and very simple, one of the most complex charts you have explained in most simple terms... very helpful and very kind of you to do this...

    1. Just seen your comment (due to some issues with the site), thank you for the kind words

  2. I agree, thank you for providing such a nice concise explanation!

  3. I am from Udupi, I read your article on Ishta devta but correctly couldn't find out. 30/1/82,9:57am, hyderabad, pls can u help me find out ishta devta

    1. Namaste
      I have checked your chart as requested. Lagna/ascendant in the main D1 chart is Pisces with ruler Jupiter in 8th house with Shani. Mars is in the 7th house aspecting lagna.
      Atma karaka is Mars, which is placed in Sagittarius in Vimsamsa chart of spirituality. Based upon the placements, the ishta would be indicated by ruler of Scorpio which again is Mars. The higher deity for Mars is Hanuman or Subramanya. You can recite a mantra for the form that appeals most to you. E.g. Om Sri Hanumante Namah. Or, Om Sri Sharavanabhavaya Namah.
      Hope this helps, may God bless you.

  4. Namaste, I would like to know my Ishta Devata and the most suitable mantra. I am born on 23rd June 1975, 08:51 AM, Cannanore (Kannur), Kerala, India. Appreciate if you can throw light on this.

    1. Namaste,
      I have examined your chart as requested. Based upon this, ishta devata is represented by Shani, and higher deity for Him is Narayana. He would be the ishta.

      Just to add, as you have Cancer lagna with Moon in 6th, and Venus in lagna, worship of Devi (as Durga/Parvati/Lakshmi as per your liking) will be very beneficial for overall wellbeing in life (both material and spiritual).

      Hope this helps.

  5. Pranam Vishnupriya Deviji
    I was searching about views of Swami Sivananda on dreams and stumbled upon your blog. It's very interesting that you consider Swami Sivananda as your Guru. I have been reading his works extensively for about 1-1.5 years. You might consider me as a newbie. I have read from 2nd generation Shishya of Swamiji that Swamiji resides in TapaLoka and sometimes helps his people in this physical plane of existence. I recalled about Aurobindo and Swami Vivekananda when I read about that.

    Now coming to Astrology, I have
    been searching his views on astrology please watch this video of Swamiji
    He says about not yielding to fatalism. Isn't believing in Astrology doing the same.?
    One more doubt I have, I am kind of conflicted. At one place he writes to put our mind, heart & soul in everything we do. And then at other place he writes that this life is nothing but a dirghaswapan ( a very long dream). Then what exactly we need to do. Should we get involved in matters or remain detached.?

    1. Pranam,
      Thank you very much for your comments and queries. According to the Puranas such as the Srimad Bhagavatam, there are said to be 14 realms in the material plane of existence. Tapa loka is one of the spiritually higher realms and is said to contain highly evolved (but not yet Realised) souls.

      A Guru is one who is Self-realised, one with God. So a Guru, being one with God, can inhabit any material realm if they wish (just as God can manifest anywhere in the material realm) including Tapa loka and our Earth plane (Bhu loka).

      Gurus are very compassionate and help their disciples in times of distress. I never expected Sivananda to manifest in my dreams but he seems to always appear, unexpectedly, when I am in need of spiritual encouragement. I am immensely grateful to God to have him in my life-- and these dreams greatly motivate me to keep going on the spiritual path.

      Regarding astrology, it is a question of balance and common sense, as in all things.

      Let us take medicine (my field) as an example. A person has a severe infection that is causing them great distress (may become life threatening). Clearly treatment is required and they should urgently see a doctor. It would not be incorrect to dismiss the illness as a yogic dream and allow it to destroy the body.

      Similar is the case with astrology. It is simply a reflection of past karma and likely future events. However, as spiritual seekers, we are able to modify past karmas and rise above them through spiritual practices. Sivananda is right-- we need not be fatalistic or gloomy about past karmas.

      He says "Pain is the greatest teacher, the greatest blessing in life". We can grow much spiritually through the pain that comes from our difficult karmas.

      We need to find a unique formula for life in which we have the right material environment and circumstances that helps us to spiritually grow as much as possible.

      What this exactly involves will differ for each person. You may like to see this article I wrote previously on my views on renunciation and detachment

      I hope this helps.

      Om shanti

    2. Sri Rama Samartha ,Jay Jay Raghuveera Samartha doesn't provide link to contact you regarding astrology query,

      Kindly lete know how to contact you regarding astrology query

  6. Hello Vishnupriyaji, i came across your blog today and it is very interesting. It is great to see that you are guiding so many people in their spiritual path. I was born on 4th January 1987, 10:25 AM in Bangalore. I request you to help me find my istadevata.

    1. Namaste,
      Thank you for the kind comments. Based on the details provided, your ishta devata is the Divine Mother. You can worship Her in any form that appeals to you. Daily mantra japa will bring many blessings. Your chart is good for spiritual life.
      May She bless you.
      Om shanti

  7. Thank you so much
