Wednesday, 26 February 2025

Maha Shivaratri

 Hari Aum.

Aum Namah Shivaya.

Tonight is Maha Shivaratri (meaning the great night of Shiva; 'ratri' means night in Sanskrit) and I would like to wish all readers on this auspicious occasion. From a spiritual perspective, this is a night of great significance. There are some legends related to the festival of  Maha Shivaratri-- an important one is that this is said to be the celebration of the wedding of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati (there is a whole story behind this and I might write about it one day!). However, the yogis regard this wedding to have a deeper spiritual significance, not only the union of our Divine Parents.

According to them, this 'wedding' symbolises the attainment of the great goal of human life, namely the spiritual state of Self Realisation or moksha/liberation. This involves the 'union' between the jivatma (individual soul/ the spiritual seeker, represented by Parvati) and the Paramatma (Supreme Being/God, represented by Shiva).

According to the path of Advaita Vedanta, the jiva is always one with (not different from) God ('Jiva Brahman na para' in Sanskrit) but forgets this due to the illusory power known as Maya. During Shivaratri, the devotee or yogi traditionally remains awake all night immersing him/herself in spiritual practices, attempting to realise this great truth. In Ashrams in India and in various places around the world, this practice still takes place. 

Staying awake at night in worship also has a symbolic meaning according to our Gurus. Sleep represents 'tamas'- the dull principle of inertia and ignorance, and so staying awake instead of sleeping represents our conquest of tamas and development of 'sattva' - the principle of goodness. (Note- sleep is of course vital and essential for good health according to both the yogis and modern science too, and in general, we must try and sleep as well as we can-- however, on certain special occasions like Shivaratri, wakefulness at night has a spiritual significance).

I was fortunate to be able to participate in the Shivaratri celebration at my Guru's ashram in Rishikesh in 2017-- I recall the main temple being lit brilliantly with many lamps and being  decorated with numerous beautiful flower garlands. Various pujas for Lord Shiva were conducted all night with recitation of sacred hymns and singing of devotional songs. It was a wonderful night and I hope to be able to participate again in the future. 

In the meantime, in the midst of home and work responsibilities, I conduct worship on a much smaller scale at my own home. Today, before putting my young daughter to sleep, we conducted a puja for Lord Shiva together. (My daughter is aged 5 so cannot concentrate on worship for longer periods-- so we did a mini-puja lasting around half an hour worshipping Shiva with Shakti and Gurudev Sivananda; we offered the traditional worship with milk, yoghurt, ghee and honey to the Shiva linga with lamps, incense, sandal paste and fruit with recitation of the panchakshara 108 times). 

We are at the start of the night where I live and so I hope to spend at least some more time doing a puja of my own for Shiva along with mantra recitation before heading off to sleep (unfortunately I am usually unable to stay awake all night these days as this triggers headaches and I cannot then function well the next day).

Before I conclude this post, I would like to share a link describing the teachings of my Guru, Sivananda, on the significance of Shivaratri- it is an excellent article and well worth a read:

I am also sharing a lovely depiction (via Bharatanatyam dance) of the famous hymn known as the Shiva panchakshara stothram (composed by Adi Shankara in praise of Him):

Om Namah Shivaya. May Lord Shiva bless us all. 
Om Sri Durgayai Namah.

Om Namo Narayanaya.

Hari Aum Tat Sat.

P.S. It was on Maha Shivaratri three years ago that I had a completely unexplainable, very vivid and detailed dream of my twin soul. We walked together and expressed our reality in silence. 
(I cannot believe the timing of this was a coincidence. For one, it took place after not being in touch for some time. Also, when I discovered Pradnya, and told her about the timing, she informed me that other twin souls she knew, had also dreamt of their counterparts on the same night. So clearly this was a significant time for the broader group of people on a twin soul journey). 

This love is real (no matter what you say in the waking state, twin-- your Higher Self seems to speak otherwise, and I must believe that alone) and must have a purpose. Let Shiva Himself decide that purpose (and this may take any form which is ok as it will be in accordance with Divine will and therefore dharmic).
I pray today, three years (and so many extraordinary experiences) on from that Shivaratri, that He absolutely ensures that this love (that only He could have created) fulfils His purpose. I truly do (and I know He will not ignore me-- just as He did not ignore the original 'Aparna' (His own other half) after whom I am named). May the will of God be done in entirety with regard to this situation. 

Om Namah Shivaya

Hari Aum Tat Sat.

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

The Lakshmi-Narayana bank

 Hari Aum.

For those of us who are householders especially, one cannot avoid the tedious subject of finance. One has to have a job and a steady income to run a household. The yogis would say this is all very well, but it should be done with dharma as the foundation; the earning of wealth must never be at the expense of dharma but rather, based upon it. 

They say one should never sell the soul for money, because the soul is our essence, it is priceless (one Swami, who is one of my main spiritual mentors, told me many years ago at the beginning of my spiritual life, 'Remember Faustus, the mistake he made. Never be like him. Never sell your soul, never compromise on dharma'. 
She is of course absolutely right-- the imperishable cannot be sacrificed for the perishable). While pursuing worldly goals, running a household, providing for children and so on, one should keep dharma as the basis -- the spiritual goal should never be sacrificed for the material (as far as possible).

On the other hand, there is one bank where the yogis and Gurus encourage us to be very greedy about! That bank, they playfully call, the 'Lakshmi-Narayana' bank. This is the spiritual bank-account and the most important and vital bank account we have in life. All other accounts have their basis in this account alone; all good fortune in life stems from this account alone. 

Once at a satsang some months ago, the spiritual teacher told the listening audience, 'Your various bank accounts and investments may fail one day, you may lose money in these material banks. However, whatever spiritual practices such as japa, kirtan etc, you put into the Lakshmi-Narayana bank will never fail you! This can never be lost, it will remain with you forever. Unlike your material wealth which must be left behind when you leave the planet, your wealth in the Lakshmi-Narayana bank will follow you when you leave!". So both here and hereafter, spiritual wealth is the everlasting wealth, the imperishable wealth of the soul (and not the material).

How then are we to become 'mantra millionaires' as the Gurus advise?! It is all very well to aim to have a decent material income to be able to perform our duties as householders towards our families and society at large. But, while doing this, how are we to ensure that we create and invest great wealth in the Lakshmi-Narayana spiritual bank?

The answer, obviously, is a daily spiritual practice. Just as many people save some part of their income every month, it is vital to assess one's 'spiritual savings' on a regular basis.

Not a single day should pass without mantra japa according to Sivananda and the Gurus. As the sun rises and sets, a portion of our life goes away. We do not know how many more sunrises and sunsets we will see-- life is inherently unpredictable (particularly in the times we live in today).

At any time, we may be dispatched and sent away from here. Not a single coin or note of our material wealth will follow. But, every single mantra recitation, every single spiritual song that was sung, every act of karma yoga/service of God, will follow-- this is the emphatic declaration of all Gurus of all spiritual traditions.

In many countries, the financial year begins in April and various people draw up savings plans and make budgets and so on. They eagerly consider how to maximise their material wealth in the coming year. In the same manner, we spiritual aspirants should eagerly consider how we are going to maximise our spiritual wealth.

March-April is the time when the Vedic New Year begins (based upon the lunar calendar). This year, the Vedic New Year begins on March 30 (with the festival known as 'Ugadi', 'Gudi padwa' etc in various parts of India).

So, as we approach the end of this spiritual financial year, and prepare for the arrival of the next one, let us carefully consider what 'spiritual savings, investments and interest' we wish to generate in the coming year. Let us be extremely vigilant and diligent about our spiritual savings. (By the way, giving in charity of course counts as a spiritual saving even though it may be seen as a material expenditure!)

Let us chalk out a clear programme to maximise our spiritual growth, be careful about investing our time in spiritual pursuits and be intent upon amassing as much spiritual wealth as possible. 

The yogis say 'Direct all the impurities of the mind towards God. If you must be greedy, be greedy about spiritual wealth. If you must be angry, be angry if the mind does not turn Godward. If you have to be proud, be proud of the good qualities of the deity you worship. If you must have desire, direct this towards God. Whatever purity and impurity exists in the mind, turn it all Godwards, give it to God. In this way, you will find the mind transforms from impure to pure and you will receive the grace of God'.

So, as the Gurus advise, let us aim to be 'mantra millionaires' this year. It is not good to boast about sadhana, about the japa we do. But let us quietly, diligently and seriously, pursue the spiritual path in the coming spiritual financial year and make sure that we have a very healthy spiritual savings account at the end of it. 

Let our spiritual wealth increase substantially year on year as long as we remain in this Earthly realm. Our Lakshmi-Narayana bank account should always receive regular (preferably daily) deposits of mantra, kirtan, svadhyaya, karma yoga and so on.

In my case, I am steadily plodding on with my sixth purascharana at the rate of seven malas per day. I also do some additional chanting of mantras of the Divine Mother when I feel like and some random bhajan. I am glad to say that, by the grace of God, the daily mantra japa continues, along with medical work, family/societal duties and spiritual study. I continue to practice the 'integral yoga' advised by my Guru, Sivananda as far as possible.

For those who have not yet opened their Lakshmi-Narayana spiritual bank account, I would strongly encourage you to consider this as soon as possible-- as there is gain and gain alone in doing so. 

May Lakshmi-Narayana bless us all with immense spiritual wealth and success in our spiritual lives.

Om Namo Narayanaya.

Hari Aum Tat Sat.

P.S. Devotion to God is a great spiritual wealth that can be generated through mantra japa, kirtan, spiritual study, service of God and so on.

Siddhis or 'spiritual powers'/psychic abilities are a serious menace and distraction on the spiritual path. These are not at all a form of spiritual wealth and should never be sought after. Mantra japa should certainly not be wasted on acquiring these worthless powers (as some Gurus and people seem to suggest).

The purpose of mantra japa is the attainment of the highest and most valuable goal of Realisation of our true nature as being one with God, and the peace and bliss that results from that experience.

Hari Aum Tat Sat.

Tuesday, 4 February 2025

2025- a year of spiritual transformation

 Hari Aum.

I hope the first month of the New Year has gone well for all readers. According to various spiritual teachers and psychics, this year is supposedly particularly significant for humanity from a spiritual perspective. This is supposedly a year where there is great potential for inner growth and transformation, for connecting with our Higher Self or God within. It is a time when there can be a lot of releasing of past negative karmas and creating a new positive energies in our lives.

This is not an easy time for our planet. There are various wars still ongoing and also significant disturbances in the climate and environment. There is also an ongoing tug of war between spiritual and materialistic forces.

When each of us embraces a daily spiritual practice, whether it is a mantra or other practice from any tradition, we are uplifting not only ourselves but also helping our collective human consciousness-- this is the view of all the Gurus. We help each other, even without realising, when we perform a daily sadhana.

Some say that this year is a particularly significant for those on the spiritual path known as twin souls. They say that this period provides a unique opportunity for them to grow spiritually, and that this is also apparently a year of twin soul reunions (whatever form that may take).

There is only one factor that can lead to a healthy union for twin souls in my view-- and that is an adherence to dharma or the principles of goodness.

Since discovering the existence of twin souls, and my discovery that I am apparently walking this spiritual path, I note that there is a general gloom in the 'twin soul collective' (or larger group of twin souls-- I have connected with some of them in recent years). 

Many twin souls seem to have undergone a specific spiritual 'awakening' or experience since 2020/2021 and it has been challenging to put it mildly! There have been kundalini upheavals (many have described this as an insatiable physical lust for their twin-- quite unnerving as one may imagine, especially for spiritual seekers!), health issues, and the 24/7 mental link with the twin (when one cannot get them out of one's mind due to the astral connection). Most twin souls have not enjoyed this sudden awakening at all (and quite understandably!).

However, now in 2025, the dust seems to be settling a bit for most twin soul pairs. More and more of them are beginning to realise that they are on a spiritual path.

Some twin souls seem to view this dynamic as a simple relationship (though it is far from that) and attempt to play games with their counterpart -- this is a terrible idea. Many exhibit very foolish behaviours such as pretending to be uninterested, being interested in somebody else, denying that they feel the connection and so on. 

In addition, for some extraordinary reason known only to themselves, it appears that a number of men genuinely believe that openly discussing their feelings with women is a dreadful crime, and the best way forward is generally to pretend they do not have any (even if they do); this seems to apply particularly in the twin soul dynamic.
These men seem to suffer from the delusion that this sort of behaviour helps to draw women (even worse, some men actually attempt to make the women they are interested in jealous-- nothing could be more devastating for a connection, as most sane women will leave and find a partner who does not play mind games with them.)

If only men would realise that there is nothing more attractive than a man who knows his own mind and has the courage to speak it and express his own feelings. Frankly, there is no greater turn-off than men who play mind games in connections with others, particularly with women. 

In the twin soul dynamic too, unfortunately, there seems to be a lot of this nonsense. In this dynamic, more than any other, there is a need for complete frankness, honesty and courage. These are spiritual qualities, these show real character.

Whereas mind-games, sulking, blaming and being resentful have a very low energy and only indicate that the person in question is still in the grip of their own lower mind (and that the higher Self has sadly been forced to take a back seat-- that is unfortunate from a spiritual perspective). As we are all spiritual seekers (and not yet Self-Realised beings), we need to accept the existence of our lower minds, but we cannot allow it to control us as far as possible-- it may trouble us occasionally, but the higher mind needs to be given the upper hand the majority of the time.

Spirituality has to manifest in our day-to-day relationships with other human beings, including especially in the connection between men and women. It is no use saying 'Men are from Mars and women are from Venus' (!); we all inhabit the Earth and have to find a way to live peacefully on this planet! It may be a struggle at times, but we simply have to keep practicing! 

As for all souls, the life paths of twin souls are pre-determined by the Universe. The people they meet, the families they are born into, and those they create, their relationship and professional circles- all these are ordained by the Divine. There is a duty to perform, there is a job to do-- and that is spiritual growth. Where then is the need for twin souls to resent each other?

Based on my own experience, I accept that the twin soul path is not easy. It is not easy to get out of the grip of the lower mind and its emotions (and it is very common for twin souls to be resentful and angry at each other-- however this needs to be overcome to experience peace). This is true for all spiritual seekers, not only twin souls (though it can feel particularly painful and intense for twin souls as the separation from their counterpart is a very difficult experience). 

However, I remind myself that this twin soul path is a spiritual path, it is about something bigger than the individual souls involved. This path is about playing a small part, along with many other souls, in the spiritual transformation of our planet.

Many people today are embracing spirituality, many are tuning in to their own Higher Self. The twin soul path is also primarily about this. There is no doubt that there is a strong connection with the twin soul counterpart-- this includes a romantic aspect, and therefore, it is very likely that, in one lifetime or another, twin soul pairs will end up together in a relationship. 
As the Universe eventually ensures that they think about each other virtually all the time and that they feel an intense connection, one would think there is no other way to survive on the planet but to get together.

The most dangerous thing in my view for twin souls is to play foolish relationship games with each other (e.g. trying to make each other jealous, act disinterested etc). It should be obvious that this path will only lead to a healthy and positive outcome if the twin souls adhere firmly to the ethical path or dharma-- including the key principles of ahimsa (non-violence) and satya (truthfulness). 
There is nobody in a twin soul's life who can ever even remotely compare or compete with their counterpart-- this is a unique connection (as are all connections in our lives). There is simply no sense in denying this fundamental fact of life once this realisation dawns-- this takes time but does eventually occur for every twin soul.

This connection, which has a sacred, spiritual dimension, is to be respected and acknowledged (not treated like some casual relationship and be subjected to absurd games). One needs to ask the Universe what to do with this, how to live with it. As the Universe/the Divine has created this, the answers must come from there alone.

So, I will conclude this post by saying that I hope that this year will be one of great spiritual transformation for numerous souls as many have predicted. And, I hope this especially applies to all twin souls-- I feel that, after everything we have been through as a group (particularly in recent years), the Universe/Divine owes us some peace and positivity! 

Om Namo Narayanaya.

Hari Aum Tat Sat.