Friday, 25 October 2024

Kartika and Radha mantra sadhana

 Hari Aum.

We are currently in an especially auspicious and sacred lunar month known as 'Kartika'. This began a week ago and will end on November 15 which is a full moon day; this final full-moon day of this month is known as 'Kartika purnima' and is excellent for spiritual practices.

This month is strongly associated with Lord Krishna and is a time when His devotees take up additional spiritual practices as these are said to yield greater benefits. In ancient times, when the Krishna avatar was physically present on Earth, the gopis of Vrindavana, including Radha, conducted a special sadhana dedicated to the Goddess Katyayani (a form of Mother Parvati) during this month. The purpose of their sadhana was to acquire Krishna as their 'husband' and they achieved their goal (this later led to the well-known 'rasa lila' dances).

I admit that, while I have been an enthusiastic Krishna worshipper over the years, I never really felt a deep bond with Mother Radha in the past. I certainly felt a very close bond to other forms of the Divine Mother, especially Durga, and also Lakshmi. However, I greatly respected Radha and worshipped Her along with Krishna (mainly because She was associated with Him). 

There was no deep love in my heart for Radha however; in fact, I will honestly admit that I was actually a tiny bit jealous of Her initially (despite my not wanting to feel this way!). 
However, as I saw Her and Durga as One, and felt a deep love for Durga, I hoped She would pardon me (and I have had the impression that She had; in fact, She Herself is famous for being in a virtually perpetual state of jealousy-- of a spiritual nature (!)-- of any lady who remotely approached Lord Krishna!).

Anyway, the situation has changed and I find myself currently to be more of a Radha devotee than a Krishna one (they are One of course). This transformation occurred around ten days ago, when I found myself in bed with a particularly unpleasant migraine which lasted a couple of days. During this experience during which I felt very unwell, I had the feeling (completely out-of-the-blue) that Mother Radha's energy was the solution. I therefore spent some time thinking deeply about Her for the first time in my life.

Two days later, after I had recovered from the migraine, I was tidying and de-cluttering a bookcase and by coincidence (perhaps not really a coincidence but rather, divine grace) came across a book known as the 'Narada Pancharatra' (In Sanskrit, 'pancha' means 'five' and 'ratra' means 'night'). 
I had purchased this book (it is actually printed in two volumes) quite some years ago as it is known to be a valuable resource for devotional practices and mantras related to Radha and Krishna. I had found the book interesting at the time, but did not feel particularly connected to any of the spiritual practices or mantras described and did not feel the need to take any of them up previously.

However, around ten days ago, after my migraine and interest in Mother Radha, I found myself drawn to this book and spent some time reading certain sections. I will not describe the entire book in detail here (might do this in another post sometime) but essentially, it consists of a wonderful conversation between Lord Shiva and sage Narada on the subject of devotion, and the worship of Radha-Krishna/Narayana (Shiva is Narada's Guru here) in particular.

There is one major section in particular dedicated to the worship of Mother Radha. Within this, there is a description of certain mantras related to Her worship; I read this section mainly last week. 
(After reading this, I wondered if I should share these mantras on this site and feel I received a sign from my Guru that I should, and hence the reason for this post.)

In this section, Lord Shiva outlines four key mantras for Sri Radha. He greatly praises these, declaring that (like other mantras of the Divine), they grant great spiritual and material blessings (including true devotion and spiritual liberation)

I will outline these mantras here. They contain 'bija' (seed) syllables, and in accordance to my Guru Sivananda's advice, should be chanted in large numbers only under the guidance of a suitable Guru. 

(Note- extensive chanting of bija mantras can awaken the kundalini energy rapidly which can be harmful to the unprepared spiritual seeker; the guidance of a Guru is essential therefore. One should never chant bija mantras for prolonged periods and in large numbers without a true Guru).

The mantras for Radha mentioned in the Narada Pancharatra are (in the order that they appear in the book):

1. Shreem Radhayai Svaha: known as the 'shadakshara' or six-syllabled mantra. 

Lord Shiva explains to Narada that this mantra originates from the Sama Veda and grants true devotion. He praises it greatly, saying that it is very dear to Lord Krishna/Narayana Himself and grants all spiritual and material blessings. 

He states that chanting this mantra during the full moon of the month of Kartika in particular is highly auspicious (destroys negative karma and grants spiritual liberation). 

2. Om Hreem Shreem Shreem Aim Krishna Pranadhikayai Svaha: known as the 'fourteen syllabled mantra'. 

Lord Shiva explains that this mantra was chanted by the great sages known as the Sanat Kumara in ancient times. 

3. Om Shreem Hreem Aim Krishnapriyayai Svaha: the 'eleven syllabled' mantra

This mantra was chanted by Goddess Ganga.

4. Om Shreem Shreem Aim Sarvadyayai Svaha. 

This mantra was chanted by Goddess Tulasi.

Lord Shiva praises all four mantras greatly, declaring that they each grant the four goals of human life (dharma, artha, kama and moksha) along with bhakti (devotion).

'Shreem' and 'Hreem' are bija mantras for Mother Lakshmi (Radha is Her manifestation)
'Aim' is the bija mantra for Sarasvati 
'Svaha' is the energy associated with Agni, the deity associated with fire.

After reading this section of the Narada Pancharatra related to the worship of Mother Radha, I was drawn to the six syllabled mantra in particular. 

I decided to do a small sadhana with this mantra during this auspicious month of Kartika to acquire the grace of Mother Radha (1 mala a day for 40 days, in addition to the usual ashtakshara chanting; I feel I received a sign from my Guru Sivananda that I could chant this and am currently in the midst of this sadhana). 
One week after chanting this mantra daily, I felt some significant benefits in terms of general wellbeing. The energy associated with Mother Radha is healing and also love, particularly unconditional love.

Prior to chanting this mantra, I offered Mother Radha an apology for not being able to feel a better connection with Her in the past. Based on my experience of chanting Her mantra, I feel She is an extremely forgiving, compassionate, nurturing and gentle form of the Divine Mother.

She is exactly what exhausted spiritual seekers require to heal and recover from the ordeal of the spiritual journey. I also feel that She has a special role to play for twin souls who are in a painful separation phase. I feel Her worship holds the key to twin souls achieving inner peace and wellbeing.

Based on my experience, and if one's Guru/intuition permits, I would recommend chanting the shadakshara mantra of Mother Radha daily (for example, either a 'mini mala' of 27 recitations, or a full mala of 108 recitations) during this sacred month of Kartika. 

I pray to Mother Radha to heal and protect all beings (including all twin souls) generally on this planet who are undergoing various ordeals and challenges (especially in this complex time of various conflicts in the world). 

May the Grace of Mother Radha protect us all, may She bless us all with unconditional love and healing.

I wish all of you a spiritually fulfilling month of Kartika. May Radha-Krishna bless us all.

Om Sri Radha-Krishnabhyam Namah.

Om Namo Narayanaya.

Hari Aum Tat Sat.


  1. Pray for a real live guru and your sadhana will become real instead of intellectual as it is now. Also in order for Swami Sivananda to be your guru, HE has to say he has accepted you not one-sided.

    1. Namaste,

      There was a time when I would engage with this sort of debate but these days I find it not to be a good use of my time (and so, my sincere apologies, I will not be replying further!).

      Thank you for your advice but I am quite contented overall with my spiritual progress (despite the natural ups and downs), and yes, it is very much under the watchful eye of my Guru, Sivananda. :)

      Btw, Jesus, Buddha and other Gurus of ancient times are very much also caring for their own students who are presently walking the spiritual path (like all Gurus, they too do not need to 'say they accept' the spiritual student).

      The best way to gain the grace of the Guru is to do regular sadhana and follow their teachings to the best of one's ability.

      Saying 'live Guru' does not really make sense as the Guru is the teaching principle of God, and by definition is *always living* (even when they give up the body). My dear friend, please read this article (link below) by my Guru Sivananda to understand the true greatness of the Guru principle. Also please read the legend of Eklavya and Drona.

      Best wishes with your sadhana!

      Om shanti and Radhe Radhe!
