Tuesday 10 September 2024

The not-so-sweet spiritual silver jubilee

 Hari Aum.

I was reflecting that it is nearly twenty-five years since I first developed an interest in worshipping Lord Krishna. During this period, I have experimented with various spiritual practices, ranging from meditation, to mantra japa, to kirtan, to yoga asanas to pranayamas, homams, pujas and more.

But there no sign of Him yet. This makes the mind pensive. He has given me all sorts of things I never asked for. All sorts of people have come and gone in my life. But no sign of Him yet. And I wonder, what is the use of all these people, if You have not yet come as You? (Yes, it is true that all the souls whom I have met are all manifestations of God-- and are just wonderful and fantastic of course, whether they came into my life invited or uninvited!- but where are You?!)

I ask God pensively, "What have I not endured for Your sake, honestly?! What have I not gone through? What further troubles are You plotting? Is what You have supplied already not enough!".

Another dark night of the soul....surely not. I have to admit, I am tired. Fed up of this spiritual path that is so long and dreary.

On some level, I feel I should celebrate. To keep up spiritual life, with all its ups and downs, for approximately two and a half decades in the midst of all sorts of worldly challenges has not been easy (I have been consistent with daily mantra japa in particular for nearly thirteen years). I am grateful to God and Guru for allowing this to happen. But I am getting a bit irritable at present. 

How long does one have to wait for a darshan of God?!

He has provided a whole bunch of people I never asked for, including soul mates, karmics, toxics, twin souls and other randoms-- I am very respectful of them all generally, but honestly, there comes a time when one's patience begins to run out! What is the use of all of them if there is no Vishnu/Krishna in sight?!

I can honestly say today, that I am thoroughly fed up of spiritual life. Tired of striving, tired of battling, tired of this Maya jugglery. 

I am reminded of the original Vishnupriya (the Goddess Tulasi) who found it in herself to pronounce a curse on Lord Vishnu Himself. There are times when I wish I could do the same-- heartless God with no compassion, endlessly making His devotees run like hamsters in this dreaded wheel of samsara.

Day after day, night after night...the same old drama....the same sadhana....but no sight of God. No darshan, no prospect of one at all. It is unbelievable.

I know the Gurus tell us to be patient. But for how long is a soul to be patient! Ramakrishna famously advised his students to tell God "I have said Your name, so how can I be a sinner? How can I be in bondage anymore?"

I feel like saying the same to God. "I am really very tired and I require a darshan of You. It is very simple really. Just show up. Like You did for Sivananda and others. And don't tell me I have not done enough to please You-- I simply refuse to believe it!" I could be wrong, but I totally feel that God should now give me His darshan!

I am happy to continue all the purascharanas that I have committed to even after the darshan-- I really am. I just need to have a darshan around now, not in another lifetime or when I am very, very aged (assuming I even live that long). (If you have had His darshan, can you please pass on my message-- I would really appreciate it!)

So, as this 'silver jubilee' of spiritual life approaches (around next month), I must say that I am not pleased with Vishnu. Not at all pleased. No amount of "Om Namo Narayanaya" has led to His darshan. All sorts of other, wanted and unwanted, 'darshans' have taken place-- but of Him, no!

And the tragedy in all of this, is that He leaves His devotees with no choice at all. There is no option but to carry on. What can be gained by stopping on this spiritual journey? The answer is clearly nothing at all. 

There is no lasting permanent peace or happiness in this world filled with Maya. And the Lord of this Maya has placed us all in this quicksand of samsara and cheerfully walked off (He may be everywhere, but, as we are not aware of this most of the time, this is what He has effectively done!).

An acquaintance was telling me today of the tragic death of her middle-aged son last year. He had developed a health issue that did not at all fit with the typical picture of the illness. Life is full of such unfortunate events. There is no certainty at all here.

As Sivananda says, life here is essentially a mixture of one part of happiness and sixteen parts of problems. That is the ratio. When this is the case, we need to ask ourselves what we are really doing with our time. What is the use of running around day and night in this material world? It really makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Anyway, I am determined to celebrate my silver jubilee of being a Krishna devotee-- even if there is no sign of Krishna whatsoever! I plan to gift myself an excellent box of chocolates and other sweet treats (it helps that Diwali is not far off!). I will enjoy eating these sweets in the midst of chanting "Om Namo Narayanaya!" (and will not take kindly to any questions being asked by my Higher Self/ God/ Guru about my devotion or self-control!). I will take this as a sort of prasad!

I really hope all of you are having a better time with your sadhana than I am. If there are other souls who have also been walking this spiritual path for a long time and are also exhausted, I can only say that I greatly sympathise with you. We just have to keep going. Have some chocolate (or similar) and carry on-- it is not as if there are any other options available anyway!

On that note, I am going to do a little japa and go off to sleep! 

Om Namo Narayanaya. Om Namo Narayanaya. Om Namo Narayanaya!

Hari Aum Tat Sat.


  1. I came across a quote from Neem Karoli baba that resonated with me. the quote said "' Ram naam karne se, sab pura hoh jaate he"" Taking the name of God, is all we need to do. That is all. We all will ripen to our highest state possible. Seeing God, is seeing God in others. I see in my children , my parents and strangers that help you randomly. Seek and you shall find. Take care. You have been and inspiration and have an impact in my life. Om Namah Shivaya

  2. There is a quote that resonated with me from Neem Karoli baba. "" Ram naam karne se sab pura hoh jaate he"" Saying the name of God, we will ripen to our highest state. That is all we need to do. So simple. Regarding seeing God, we see it God in people. Random strangers that help you, Kids and parents who are unconditional in their love. Thank you for being you. Life is gift to enjoy. Take care and thank you for this blog. Anil- South Africa

    1. Namaste Anil,
      Thank you for your messages and the inspiring quotation. You are absolutely right. However, there is also a concept of darshan of God (the rupa of deity)-- it is also true that this happens when the time is right. In the meantime, one needs to continue with the mantra japa, karma yoga and trying one's best to see the divine in all including oneself.
      It is always good to connect with fellow spiritual seekers and be mutually inspired. Thank you again.
      Om shanti

  3. Jai Srimanarayana ! Unconditional acceptance of love is the tool for surrendering to paramatma. The concept of time doesn’t exist in reality , it’s in our ego that we want to achieve everything in one lifetime (which is not even a minute for our dear srimanaryana) why the rush ? Having said that where is he not there ? In us , around us everywhere he is present .He is in the mantra japam you do, the help you do to others , the breath you exhale and inhale.sarvam sri: krushna:rpanamasthu. when a child is born it knows who the mother is but a mother has to show the child who the father is - maybe trying chanting Lakshmi astotram or just the name Radhe Radhe and ask her to show the sripaythe maybe the sense of satisfaction of seeing him will arise within you .

    1. Jai SrimanNarayana,
      Thank you for your message and advice. I appreciate it. It is difficult-- sometimes one can be satisfied with the awareness of the all-pervading Narayana, and at other times, one is gripped with a desire to see the form of that Narayana (perhaps this desire is also His will). I am worshipping the Divine Mother as Lakshmi/Durga along with Narayana. I feel the darshan surely has to happen one day (but when I have no idea!).
      Thank you again.
      Om shanti
