Hari Aum.
I have written previously on this blog (please see post below) regarding the need to chant mantras and recite prayers for world peace based on the advice of our Gurus.
Feb 2020:
This is just a short post to request all readers to please dedicate even a short period of time daily for this purpose. As per Sivananda and other Gurus, this does have an effect.
This world does not belong to the negative forces that seek to destroy it. It belongs to the Divine. It was created by the Divine (not by negative, destructive energies that constantly seek war).
These negative forces appear to be powerful outwardly but in truth, this is an illusion; because they do not have the support of the Divine. Without Divine support, ultimately they will never win.
Today, in both East and West, on our planet, there are negative forces whose actions indicate that they seek only to escalate tensions; they work against those who strive for peace. There are war-mongering people in numerous countries.
There is increasing discussion that we are heading towards another World War. This is an unthinkable situation, especially in a world that has extremely destructive (e.g. nuclear) weapons. There will be no winners in such a war; everyone will ultimately lose. Our beautiful planet with its amazing nature, ecosystems, birds and animals will be destroyed for centuries to come, in addition to the unthinkable suffering that will be experienced by numerous souls.
This is the reason the saints and sages of all spiritual traditions advise us to pray and meditate at times like this to seek Divine help and intervention.
In the Gita, Krishna says "Do your duty without expectation of any specific results. Do it as an offering to Me (and let Me decide what the results will be)." Let us trust Him. Let us repeat any mantras and prayers from any spiritual tradition of our liking for peace on our planet.
In medicine we often say that, if a patient has previously had a particular medical condition, they are at much higher risk of developing this again. The same seems to apply to humanity's propensity for wars, especially World Wars. We have already had two World Wars in around a hundred years, and multiple other smaller ones. We are apparently at high risk of another World War in the present time.
This world was not created for war. It is a place for spiritual evolution. It was not meant to be destroyed for the sake of a few egoistic individuals who wield some degree of material power. There are far greater forces at play behind the scenes.
There are numerous saints and yogis from all spiritual traditions working to prevent humanity committing yet another horrific act of self-destruction. They say that this sort of self-destruction of entire planets has occurred previously in other parts of the cosmos and was a great tragedy. It is therefore something that they are determined to prevent from happening here. However, we too need to do our little part to support them. Please can we all therefore obey their instructions and pray for peace.
Can we please do a collective sadhana for world peace? Every day, 5-10 minutes of chanting Om Namo Narayanaya (or other mantra/prayer as per one's inclination) for world peace. Please let us do this.
Remember, it is not the result that matters, it is the trying that matters, it is the intention that matters in the eyes of the Divine. Let us do our best and leave the rest in His/Her hands.
Om Namo Narayanaya.
May He give good sense and peace to all beings.
Hari Aum Tat Sat.
P.S. Group chanting is powerful. If you live with people who are also interested in mantras/prayers for peace, then please chant with them as often as you are able (the individual practice should also be done daily even if it is very brief).
Also if you have a twin soul, and feel the energetic (so-called '5D') presence of your counterpart, do consider inviting them to meditate with you for spiritual progress and world peace. This is one positive action that I feel twin souls should do together (even if it is remotely)-- meditate for world peace.
This would be the single most beneficial and useful aspect of this connection. I intuitively feel that the joint meditation of twin soul pairs (even if occurring separately in the 3D, but together in the 5D aspect) will be a useful contribution towards peace on this planet.
How to meditate with the 5D aspect of your twin? It is very simple-- just visualise them seated in meditation next to you (in the ajna or anahata chakra space, or literally next to you if you prefer) and in the presence of the Divine (e.g. sitting at the feet of a form of the Divine that appeals to you, or before Divine Light if you prefer the formless aspect). Visualise positive energies being created as a result of your meditation that are pleasing to the Divine, and which envelop and benefit the world as a whole. And that is essentially it.
Let us hope and pray that positive peace-loving energies are victorious over the negative war-mongering ones.
Om Namo Narayanaya. Om Namo Narayanaya. Om Namo Narayanaya.
P.P.S. Related posts:
Japa yoga benefits:
The squirrel and the bridge of Rama:
Hari Aum Tat Sat.
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