Thursday 31 August 2023

Twin soul information-- stages, spiritual practice and life situations

 Hari Aum.

I'm afraid I am going to write another post on this tricky topic. (I sense some readers are a bit riled by this subject but please do not be offended-- kindly ignore this post if this is not to your taste.) This post is for the benefit of those on a twin flame journey; it is very unique and I would say impossible to understand unless one is going through this. 

I will henceforth only comment/reply to individuals regarding this topic whom I feel need some help or reassurance because they are on the same journey. It is not possible for me to defend/justify my experiences or actions to those who are having a completely different life experience from mine; we must be in another person's shoes to truly grasp the meaning of their experiences. 

There is no higher or lower life experience by the way; as we would all hopefully be aware, all experiences given to us by the universe are unique and tailor-made for our spiritual evolution. There is no competition or comparison with anyone else on the spiritual journey. We are all equal souls and are moving towards the same goal-- realisation of our true spiritual nature.

I just want to say that I will sometimes write posts on this topic as and when I see fit and leave them on here for periods of time that I feel are appropriate. If this subject does not apply to you, I would suggest that you please feel free to ignore and move on. On the other hand, if this does apply to your situation, then I hope that what I share is of some benefit to you. 

This twin flame journey is not at all an easy one, and I feel duty bound to share some of what I have learned about this subject in recent years (both from others who have gone through this and some of my own experiences) in case there are readers who are experiencing this.

So, let me begin.

A quick recap, twin souls or flames are individuals who are closely connected on a soul level (which manifests as a close connection on a mental/astral level which leads to specific experiences in both the waking and dream states that would not occur otherwise). 

In general, both souls find that, for the greater part of their journey, they have suffered at the hands of the other (this may be due to a variety of life situations). 

There are three main stages of the twin flame journey:
1. Meeting (initial attraction and then rejection for many reasons, specific to the individuals)
2. Separation (often very long; may be for years or a lifetime)
3. Re-connection (recognition of the connection and acceptance that it exists (how this manifests in external life depends upon the individual circumstances).

If you feel you are going through this journey, please do read about this topic in much more detail online. I am aiming to provide a brief summary here and some advice from a spiritual perspective.

It can feel very confusing and lonely on this journey. And, it helps to know someone personally who has been through a similar experience. It is also important to be aware that there are various people who offer to give twin souls 'readings' regarding their situation. I would advise being very wary and cautious about approaching such individuals; a very small proportion may be genuine, the majority are likely to be exploiting gullible individuals (I said the same thing in another post about Vedic astrologers). 

A great deal of common sense is needed in life, especially in spiritual life. As Sivananda says, 'Use your common sense always'. And, in his opinion (which I entirely agree with), the most commonsensical thing any soul can do, whether twin soul or not, is to approach God.

So my advice would be to approach God on this journey if you have not already done so. After all, that is what it is for. Take up a spiritual practice. Recognise that God is the goal, and all souls are on the same journey, including yourself and your twin soul and everybody else.

Personally, I would advise generally avoiding any psychics, tarot readers, self-proclaimed realised beings etc for readings to find answers on this journey (in exceptional cases, if there is a burning question and one is intuitively drawn to these, it may be appropriate. Using yogic divination methods such as the 'Ramagya prashna' may be considered).  

Mantra sadhana is a very great blessing on this path. It connects one to the Divine, shines a light upon one's path, shows one what to do and what not to, keeps one on the path of dharma, helps one navigate the most complicated situations in life, gives one strength when one needs it, guards one from lower energies both from within and without, protects and blesses one at every step. 

It helps one to understand what one's duties are and gives one the strength to perform them, and helps one to gradually tune oneself to the will of God, and makes one a true devotee of God. This is the only thing one can rely upon in life with absolute certainty. 

So, in summary, I would like to state that if a person feels that they are on a twin flame journey, then it is absolutely vital that they have a daily spiritual practice to help cope with its challenges. There is no other solution (no psychic/ tarot reading or anyone else will give one any guarantee of peace or sanity; only one's spiritual practice connecting one to God can do this). 

One must meditate daily (even if for only 10-15 minutes) and attempt to follow the yogic ethics to the best of one's ability. If one is sincere and does this, then one will experience the grace of God and Guru at every step.

The good news about this journey is that there is a lot of support available from God and Guru who remain with one throughout. One is compelled to seek their help on this journey.

My advice would be: trust yourself, trust your Guru (if you have one) and trust God (and, difficult though this may feel at times, trust your twin soul. More likely than not, they are in the same boat as you.) 

I would also like to share a valuable resource I have come across-- this is a lady known as Pradnya Pandit. She has written upon this subject extensively online (I have not yet met her but hope to connect with her at some stage to gain some more understanding). 

In her case, she and her twin soul were married to other people with whom they had children. It took them many years to understand their connection, and due to their circumstances, they chose to maintain a platonic friendship. 

Her twin soul sadly died a couple of years ago but she continues to be a great help to many others stumbling in the dark on this journey of spiritual evolution. She writes on Quora and other online platforms and provides some counselling support and advice for those who feel they need this (she does not claim to be a psychic but provides advice based upon her own direct experiences related to this subject).

She has spoken about her experiences here and I would recommend listening to her story as it is very insightful: ('Portrait of a twin flame'):

She mentions that fear and guilt are major reasons that cause twin flames to run from the connection. Fear of rejection (or hurting their family/being condemned by society), and guilt regarding their present life situations (feeling unfaithful/disloyal to their existing partners and families). However, the reality is that this connection transcends any ordinary relationship paradigm. And it can take a long time to realise this. 

As Pradnya and others who have experienced this path say, "This is a 'connection' not a relationship". Some of these twin soul connections do indeed lead to relationships, and some do not; it all depends upon the unique circumstances of the individuals involved, their karma with other souls and ultimately, the will of God. The only determining factor with regard to the outcome is spiritual evolution (what will truly benefit the twins and everyone else involved in their lives).

There are thought to be three broad types of twin soul situations in the world:

1. Twin souls who are both single 

2. Twin souls who are both married to others (a soul mate or a 'karmic') or one is unmarried and the other is married/in a committed relationship. A number of these choose to maintain platonic friendships with each other, while some choose to leave their marriages and enter into a relationship with each other.
However, under no circumstances, do true twin flames ever engage in an extramarital physical relationship with the other (though there often is a strong and mutual physical attraction); a mutual emotional/mental bond is part of the twin flame connection and there is nothing they can do to break it (the existence of this can produce guilt and fear until they learn to accept it-- this is very difficult and occurs over a long time).

3. One twin soul is alive and the other has sadly died (this is not an easy situation but the soul bond continues after the twin leaves the body)

Finally, there are three typical states of consciousness for the twins with regard to each other during the course of their journey (and they may both be in the same or different state, or alternate between these):

1. Chasing: one soul chases after the other; they can later switch to running.

2. Running: one soul runs away from the other; they can switch to chasing; sometimes both may run.
Often when one soul chases, the other runs (for a variety of reasons ranging from fear to feeling overwhelmed. It can take a truly heroic effort not to run from this connection!).

3. Acceptance of the connection with no unhealthy desire to either run from or chase after it (one is fully established in this state after much inner churning, spiritual practice and growth all of which takes a very long time, sometimes a whole lifetime or more). 

There is always a very strong desire to be connected with one's twin soul counterpart; no external circumstance/other relationships can ever take this desire away. There are strong, completely unexplained feelings of love between them that do not depend upon any external connection and persist despite their external circumstances and prolonged absences from each other's lives. 

So, I hope this provides a useful overview for those on the twin flame journey. What I would like to say as I conclude is that:

1. A twin soul cannot ever truly reject its counterpart; this is especially true once they recognise this connection for what it is. Regardless of any external running, the reality is that they always want to connect with their twin soul counterpart.

2. Fear and guilt are common on this twin soul journey (unfortunately these are often constant, unwanted companions on this challenging path). The only way to overcome these is sincere spiritual practice and the grace of God/Guru.

3. Spiritual evolution is the key purpose of this path. 

Om Namo Narayanaya.
May God and Guru bless all twin flames in existence and give them the strength required to walk the spiritual path.

Hari Aum Tat Sat.

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