Monday 12 August 2024

Harmonising two realities and the spiritual work of twin souls

 Hari Aum.

I was reading an interesting book by a spiritual teacher called Swami Giriraj recently in an attempt to understand the goings-on in my life. This book is about twin souls. It contains some very sensible, mature and grounded messages (twin flame energy is generally the exact opposite-- volatile and explosive, anything but peaceful and grounded, so this book is quite useful).

(This is a link to it:

In this book, the Swami says that the universe expects two main things from twin souls:

1. To evolve spiritually: qualities such as empathy, understanding, patience, truthfulness, unconditional love and courage need to be gradually developed.

Cultivation of a connection with the Divine is the cornerstone of this spiritual evolution. 

2. To serve humanity (the twin souls influence each other in this service, either directly or indirectly, regardless of whether or not they are in each other's external lives)

Twin souls' external and internal realities gradually become completely different from each other as the journey progresses. At some stage, living two competely different realities becomes impossible. 

In fact the universe goes out of its way to make it impossible by reminding twin souls of the existence of each other virtually constantly (through signs, synchronicities, dreams etc). It becomes intense and unrelenting-- almost like being hounded by the universe to embrace this divine reality.

Why is the universe so determined to bring twin souls back into each other's lives? Especially if they were/are already walking the spiritual path. What is the need for this intense pressure mentally, emotionally and spiritually?

The answer is because they teach other something of spiritual value. They learn things about themselves and the universe that they would not have done were it not for this connection. A very important part of this learning occurs when they are physically apart (as I have discovered).

Much learning also occurs when they encounter each other in the physical world (of this I know less at present).

The development of the qualities of truthfulness and courage is especially important when it comes to twin souls harmonising their external and internal lives. Without these two qualities, it becomes impossible. These are divine qualities, and it is only when twin souls connect with the divine within themselves, that they are able to really express these with conviction.

At every step in this jouney, the twin soul invokes the blessing, protection and will of God. "Thy will be done" becomes the mantra of life. And, as it is not an easy journey in any way, the universe becomes the support of life.

There is no question of the continuation of any rejection or negativity in this path as it is far too intensely painful. It is very common for twin souls to reject each other and separate for prolonged periods (during which they grow and develop individually in all aspects of life). 
However, they then discover that the pain that they inflict upon their counterparts (for example, by rejecting them or the truth of the connection), rebounds upon them with interest (as the saying goes, it is like 'cutting one's nose to spite one's face'-- extremely foolish indeed--unless one enjoys suffering greatly which few of us do!). 

No twin soul with half-a-brain cell, would be daft enough to reject their counterpart in any way, shape or form, especially once the depth of the connection has been felt and revealed to them by the universe. The connection has to be acknowledged in all its dimensions-- physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. This brings huge inner peace.

The outer reality (some call this '3D') and inner reality (some refer to this as '5D') need to both be respected and harmonised. Sooner or later (and at a time and in a form ordained by the universe), they will need to have some type of physical presence in each other's lives. 
Twin souls often have karma with other souls (possibly arranged before they took birth); they need to respect their own karmic connections and those of their counterparts. This is the only way to hope for any form of peace within.

Dealing with negative and toxic people is a part of the twin soul paradigm. Often their childhoods are not rosy, their karmic social connections are not too pleasant. These provide fertile ground for the cultivation of the spiritual qualities mentioned previously that are needed to progress on the spiritual path-- including especially conviction, courage and faith in the protective aspect of the Divine.

The love experiened by twin souls from God and from each other (even at a great distance) heals their lives. Along with the many challenges, this path has many blessings too. 

So, in summary, twin souls are not created by the universe just for amusement-- there is some serious work expected from them. This is a spiritual path. Although it is not officially a monastic path, the irony is that it often ends up taking the twin souls to the heights of detachment-- there is no other way to survive it, especially the separation phases.

It is actually quite ironic to think that I met my twin soul in my early 20s when I was about to embrace the path of external monasticism. They converted me into a householder and I married someone else, evidently as destined by God (marrying someone other than one's twin soul appears to be the norm for this type of connection based on what I have seen, read and also myself experienced). 
I had the impression that they were not really interested in this connection when the separation occurred years ago (and that their interests, in fact, lay elsewhere) and so felt this was the right way forwards at the time. 

And then, in recent years, they re-entered my life in the astral realm, and it seems this was in order to teach me real renunciation. I have had to practice detachment and renunciation on this twin soul path on a level that feels far more intense than anything that I feel I would ever have experienced as an external monastic. 

So the universe has, on one level, made a monastic out of me after all. But not in the way I expected (far more intense). And also, it has made a spiritual lover out of me-- and again, not at all in the way that I expected.

This is the only path I can think of that involves practicising two polar opposite feelings-- intense affinity with another human soul along with intense renunciation of them. Very strange indeed. I had no idea that such a thing was even possible until recently. The only way by which one can reconcile these two opposites in one's life is by the grace of the Divine.

May the Divine guide twin souls to achieve harmony between their inner and outer realities and experience inner peace as a result. And also, may the Divine guide us to evolve spiritually and act in tune with the will of God at all times.

Om Namo Narayanaya.

Hari Aum Tat Sat.

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