Thursday 8 August 2024

Twin souls-- a Universal spiritual plot

 Hari Aum.

This is another post for any twin souls out there (who are wishing they were not-- which frankly, appears to be the majority!). Having discovered this very odd subject around three years ago, I continue to feel fairly mystified by the whole thing. However, while this is generally not a particularly amusing topic at all (quite the reverse most of the time), every now and then, I admit I do see a slightly funny side to it!

It feels like a complete set-up by the universe, a perfect universal plot in fact. A weird situation where people live in two worlds. There is an inner world, and an outer world-- which do not mirror each other at all! I feel compelled to write a little play about this today (it may resonate with some twin souls out there too)! 

The celestial realms: Lord Vishnu and His great devotee, Narada, are in conversation. 


"Narada, you are renowned for your capacity to create mischief in the universe--and all for a good purpose of course! As you are aware, I have utilised my powers of illusion, Maya, to create the vast material realms. Amongst the creatures that I have made, the human being is the most fortunate as he/she alone can know Me and obtain everlasting peace and bliss."

"My Divine Lila in the material realm involves souls who utilise their free will to feel separate from each other and from Me. They forget Me and forget themselves too."

"Amongst the many souls that I have made, there is a certain type which has a very similar counterpart. I have called them 'twin souls'. These souls have an astral (mind-based) connection which tends to bring them together. However, it is My desire that they spend a very lengthy period apart-- a decade or two on average, or perhaps a lifetime or more! This is needed for their spiritual development!"

"My dear Narada, what would your suggestions be for Me to ensure that they remain apart in this manner? I require some very effective and infallible strategies to counter their strong connection!"

Narada (feeling gratified and delighted):

"My dear Lord, I am deeply honoured that You have chosen to ask me, Your humble servant, for an opinion on this matter!"

"Knowing the human mind as well as I do, I would propose the following to ensure that these twin souls remain well and truly apart for significant durations of time in accordance with Your wishes."

"First and foremost, it would be wise to create some significant differences between them. For instance, make them such that they belong to different cultures, religions, temperaments and ages. This itself will go a wonderfully long way in creating doubts and confusion in them as to why any affinity exists at all!"

"Secondly, for good measure, do ensure that they encounter each other in circumstances where it is virtually impossible for them to see a future together-- for instance, they are monks/nuns, married, preferably with dependents or with elderly or unwell relatives who rely upon them. This will create the highly desirable qualities of guilt and anxiety in them at the mere prospect of uniting in any way, shape or form!"

"And last, but certainly not the least (this may actually be the most effective of all!), please do ensure that You create in them such an overwhelming sense of discomfort whenever they encounter each other, that they are unable to remain in each other's presence!
There should be such an intense sense of tension and attraction between them that there should be  absolutely no question of them daring to make any eye contact (as that would let the cat out of the bag!); heaven forbid any actual conversation! In fact, they should eventually reach a stage where the mere hint of each other's physical presence in the vicinity, causes them to make a hasty retreat in the opposite direction!"

"This, my dear Lord, in my humble opinion, would be a most excellent and guaranteed formula to achieve Your noble purpose of keeping these twin souls apart for their own spiritual good!"

"And, having achieved this separation, at just the right time, my Lord, You could create additional confusions and mystify them further by various methods-- for instance by creating odd dreams, revealing strange synchronicities, and by conjuring up other suitable mystical muddles that Your wonderful Maya is so talented at!"

"Having gone through this terrible experience lasting several years, I can guarantee that these twin souls will be at their wits' end and will come running to You alone for help-- who else can they turn to, after all?! 
Surely this will be one of Your most effective tools in turning these souls to the spiritual path and helping them achieve the spiritual goal of life!"

Vishnu (smiling approvingly):

"Well, Narada, I knew that I could rely on you! I must say that I am always tremendously satisfied by the invaluable help that you render to Me in My various divine Lilas. It is no wonder that you are famous as one of My dearest devotees!"

Narada (smiling modestly and bowing):

"You are really too kind, my Lord! I am, of course, always delighted to be of any service to You!"

Om Namo Narayanaya!

Hari Aum Tat Sat.

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