Books on Lord Krishna

Hari Aum.

June 17, 2019

I have written a series of four books that concisely describe the life of Lord Krishna as told in the ancient sacred scripture known as the Srimad Bhagavatam (also called the Bhagavata Purana). These have been published on the Amazon website (see links below) between December 2017 and June 2019.

The Bhagavatam describes various divine lilas (actions) of Lord Narayana. It contains the essence of yoga philosophy or Vedanta in language that is much simpler to understand that other books such as the Upanishads. It also explains that bhakti yoga is a path that is particularly effective for the attainment of liberation, particularly the practice of the recitation of the names or mantras of the divine (japa).

I have divided the life of Krishna described in the Bhagavatam into 4 parts and dedicated one book to each of these-- 1) His childhood 2) His adolescence and married life 3) His life as a King 4) His lila as a guru.

These four books are:

1. Balakrishna (meaning the child Krishna)

2. Dwarakanatha (meaning the Lord of Dwaraka)

3. Janardana (meaning the one who gives suffering to the wicked)

4. Yogeshwara (meaning the lord of yogis)

You can find all four books here:

Amazon India:

Amazon USA:

Amazon UK:

These are currently available in Kindle format. The first two books are also available in a paperback format (a paperback version of the other two will also be made available in the coming months).

All four books will be made available for free download every year on New Year's day (or on certain dates in January-- will provide details regarding this via this blog) and on Krishna Jayanti (Janmashtami, Krishna's birthday).

These books are dedicated to my guru, Swami Sivananda, of the Divine Life Society, Rishikesh, India. Therefore, all proceeds from book sales are given as part of my annual donation to the Sivananda Charitable hospital (which offers free medical care to the needy) at Sivananda Ashram, Rishikesh, India.

Hari Aum Tat Sat

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