Monday 6 August 2018

Dakshina and charity

Hari Aum.

I just want to say thank you to the hundred and fifty or so people who have contacted me via this site and the vedic astrology site for various reasons, material and spiritual. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to do some spiritual/astrological 'karma yoga' in addition to my medical work.

Some of you have kindly offered to give a 'dakshina' or gift in return for the vedic astrology service (although the website clearly says this is meant to be a free service) and I have politely declined this and advised you to make a donation of any amount to a charity of your choice instead.

While I greatly appreciate your kind offer, there are two reasons for the above suggestion:

1. I aspire for a very expensive 'dakshina' that only God can give me (and which no human being can). It is the dakshina of God-realisation, of true devotion to Him, of the highest spiritual attainment in this very lifetime. My Guru says this is the birthright of every human being (and therefore, yours and mine too). And, karma yoga (service of humanity as a manifestation of God), which you are kindly helping me to do, is an important method to attain this.

I would like to clarify that this service that I do is an offering to the God within you. And as you are a part of God, I would be most grateful for your blessings if you feel you would like to bestow these, even if I am not in need any material dakshina.

2. If you are a seeker, then donating in charity will help you move closer to realisation of your own God-nature.

As my Guru Sivananda says, "I have learnt that it is the foremost duty of man to learn to give - give in charity, give in plenty, give with love, give without any expectation. Charity is incomplete without charity of disposition, charity of feeling, charity of understanding."

Saints say the more one gives, the more one receives. This is the eternal spiritual law. The greatest thing we can receive is realisation of our own immortal, infinitely peaceful and blissful nature. May God bless us all with attainment of this.

Hari Aum Tat Sat

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