Sunday 26 June 2022

Twin flames and the spiritual goal

 Hari Aum.

The topic of twin flames has been around for some time and I would like to share my views on this subject.

From a yogic perspective, we are all individual souls (jivas in Sanskrit) who are part of the Supreme Being (Paramatma). And we are always one with the Supreme, never truly separated. However, the individual soul experiences an illusion of separation from the Supreme, it experiences the illusion that it is matter not spirit. This illusion produces the experience of life in the material universe including that of human life. Life in the material universe is based on cycle of birth and death; it involves joy and suffering. Whereas life in the spiritual state is characterised by immortality, eternal peace, knowledge and bliss.

The human birth is said to the only one that gives the individual soul the opportunity to come of the illusion of separation from the Divine. The experience of human suffering generates feeling of disillusionment with worldly life and a strong yearning for everlasting peace. This leads to the soul starting upon the spiritual journey in search of this precious goal. One is prepared to undergo any amount of suffering on this journey, but one is consoled by the fact that at least this suffering is for a good cause, a higher cause, the state of permanent bliss. Whereas suffering on the material path only produces grief but no higher benefit. Thus, as spiritual seekers, we walk the spiritual path with determination, with conviction, that this is the right way.

On this journey, we must undergo many experiences while in the material realm. Life takes many strange twists and turns. Both on a global scale and in our individual lives, challenges emerge to test us, to strengthen us. If we stay on the spiritual path, we will be able to benefit and emerge stronger and purer. It is not easy but ultimately this is for our higher good even if it does not often seem that way at the time.

Sivananda and other gurus say that many karmas must be worked out to progress on the spiritual path. We need to pay off our spiritual debts to other beings, other souls. We need to undergo the results of past karmas, both positive and negative. Until the karmic account is cleared, there cannot be spiritual enlightenment. The yogi performs spiritual practices to endure and reduce past karmas, and tries his/her best to avoid creating new karma, particularly negative karma in the process. In this way, he/she steadily moves towards the spiritual goal.

According to some, the concept of twin flames fits into the spiritual journey. Twin flames are supposed to be two individual souls who have a specific connnection. They are mirrors of each other. They are not soul mates (these are souls who are comfortably compatible with each other, and many twin flames are married to their soul mates as this can feel less stressful than being around each other). Unlike soul mates, twin flames are alike on a soul level, on an energetic level, even if they appear appear different externally. Thus they precisely mirror or reflect each other's positive and negative qualities. 

When they face each other, they are compelled to see that aspect of their own nature that they may not like to see, that they may prefer to avoid. This forces them to honestly look at themselves and come to terms with what exists within. Then there is usually a transformative drive to change for the better.

In the end, therefore, while the twin flame experience can feel intense, confusing and stressful at times, it ultimately leads to spiritual growth over time. Thus, these souls can benefit from their experience of encountering each other. Their relationship may be one of family or friends (they need not necessarily be of the opposite gender). 

This is quite a peculiar subject and much has been written about it by more knowledgable and experienced authors. I only came across the subject relatively recently and was mulling over whether or not this fits into the yogic concept of existence. It appears that it does. The goal of the twin flame journey is the same as the goal of the yogis-- i.e. God-realisation. They are apparently meant to focus on working on themselves during their lifetimes and this is their primary duty (regardless of whether or not they have much contact with each other). 

Although I am far from an expert on this subject, based on some of my observations and possibly some experiences, I would say this phenomenon appears to be true. Swami Sivananda's disciple, Sivananda Radha, has made some reference to this in one of her books. 

The overall opinion of people who seem knowledgable on this subject is that twin flames, like everybody else, should focus on their own spiritual development. Their life experiences may be challenging at times but they are meant to stay focussed on the spiritual goal and upon attaining God realisation.

Om Namo Narayanaya.

Hari Aum Tat Sat.

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