Tuesday 23 May 2023

Yoga, twin souls and union with God

Hari Aum. 

I was recently mulling over the fact that the majority of online literature that I have come across in recent months on 'twin souls' seems to focus on them getting together somehow as the main goal of life-- i.e. their 'union' or 'reunion' (which may apparantly be inner or external). 

The general view is that 'inner work' or spiritual work needs to be done by them both mainly so that they can then achieve this union. Spiritual attainment is recognised as a goal for them but the overwhelming emphasis in the literature that exists online seems to be the union of the twin souls themselves as the key goal in their life (or even lifetimes).

Now this is quite interesting, and may I say, a different approach from that of the yogis. The yogis quite clearly declare that union with God is the key goal of human life. It is the purpose of human life, the goal for all souls (whether twin souls or not). This spiritual state, the culmination of lifetimes of spiritual practice, is known by various terms such as 'liberation', Self-realisation (moksha/nirvana) etc. 

Our 'union' or connection with any other soul, be it a 'soul mate', 'twin soul' or anyone else, may be an important part of our journey to experience our true God nature --but not a goal in itself according to the yogis. And one can of course attain God without a twin soul or soul mate.

Individual souls or 'jivas' (whether or not they are twin souls) are still a part of the Maya (illusion of God that makes all beings appear as separate from God). This Maya, this illusion of separatedness is said to disappear when one experiences one's true God nature. Thus, the Self-realised yogi (whether or not they felt themselves to be a twin soul) feels one with all beings, with all souls (and not just with their twin soul).

Overcoming desires and attachments is a key part of this spiritual quest for God. The attachments that we have for our 'soul mates', our 'twin souls' and other soul family members need to be overcome for us to become fit to attain experience of God.

Swami Chidananda, disciple of Sivananda and a self-realised beings, says:
"Spiritual life is becoming dead to the life of desires, and alive only in love for the Supreme One."

Naturally what this means is not that the world and everyone in it is to be rejected; not at all, for all beings are a part of God. 

What this means is that all beings (including 'soul mates', 'twin souls' and so on) are to be recognised as a part of God, and these connections therefore have a sacred, divine aspect (aside from the usual human dimension which is also ok).

From a spiritual perspective, the most effective approach is to surrender to the will of God in all things. One says to God, "You alone are my mother, my father, my brother, my sister, my spouse, my child, my relative, my friend, my wealth, my all in all. I have no refuge but You. Please do whatever You feel is best for me. Let me be attuned to Your will in all things."

From a human perspective, it is normal to have desires, and the yogis say we need to gradually transcend these via spiritual practices such as mantra japa and so on. The desire for a soul mate, or twin soul, or any other soul, is a part of the normal spectrum of human desires and is perfectly natural, but it is still ultimately a desire to be transcended.

It is true that one's desire for a twin soul or a soul mate may be unusually strong, and can be particularly difficult to transcend. Perhaps this in itself is the spiritual challenge, the spiritual test. The stronger the desire, the more spiritually strong one has to become to deal with it, the more attuned to the will of God one has to become to handle it in the right way. 

This, in my view, is the main reason for the existence of twin souls, i.e. to present each other with various experiences and opportunities for spiritual growth. Whether or not they have any physical presence in each other's life is very much secondary and entirely up to God (I would imagine this would only take place if there was a higher spiritual purpose. As far as I am aware, they are generally not meant to live a regular life together in the typical way in society; they can but it appears that this is often not the case). 

I just wanted to mention this for anyone who is actively seeking some sort of soul companion in life, be it a soul mate, twin soul, or anybody else. The best thing to do in this situation is to approach God and let Him/Her decide what is best for one. If one is seeking a life partner to marry and have children with, then again various spiritual practices can be undertaken to obtain the blessings of God in this endeavour (such as anushthanas, purascharanas of the mantra of various deities such as the 'ishta devata' or favourite form of God). 

I feel it is spiritually unwise to seek union with a 'twin soul' as the goal of life. The purpose of human life is very much to seek union with God, and to truly experience the wonderful reality that one is already a part of God, and not separate from Him/Her, and thus already not separate from one's twin soul/soul mate/any other soul. 

The yogis declare that we are already one with God, and with all souls (including twin souls, soul mates and everybody else). We are doing spiritual practices to recognise this, and any experiences we have on the way (due to the encounter with other souls, or as a result of our spiritual practices) is a manifestation of the grace of God, and is meant to lead us Godwards.

Om Namo Narayanaya dasoham tava Keshava.
This is a variation of the ashtakshara mantra that is sometimes chanted in the Sivananda centres around the world and means: 
"Salutations to Lord Narayana. I am Your servant O Keshava (a name of Krishna)." 
This mantra is intended to convey the spirit of surrender to God, to the attunement of one's will to that of God, and to recognise that one is a part of God.

May Narayana bless us all with Realisation of our true divine nature.

Hari Aum Tat Sat.

P.S. I would also like to address two other views on this subject of twin souls that I regard as misconceptions. One is the view that they are somehow more evolved than other souls and are 'meant to show others the way' and perform some 'mission'.  The yogis say that we are all divine souls who are equal to each other and a part of God. There is no superior or inferior soul (the soul may not fully manifest the divine within however, but that is the whole point of the spiritual path-- to learn to manifest the divine within). And all souls born in a human body have a special mission-- to attain God.
Also, there are plenty of Self-realised beings who did not have a 'twin soul' or 'soul mate' and I therefore feel the online literature is quite misleading in this regard. 

Secondly, the online literature suggests that the existing partners of twin souls are 'karmics' whose grip needs to be somehow overcome to attain union with the other twin soul. Again, this is quite at odds with the yogic view which is that all souls are divine and worthy of equal regard. Every soul is on their own unique journey to God and equally dear to Him/Her. The law of karma applies to us all, and all human relationships therefore have a karma-related element. 

It is very important to practice the spiritual vision of seeing God in all beings (whether soul mates, twin souls or any other soul, of any species) and things in order to attain God-- this is the declaration of all Gurus and yogis. 
Spiritual pride is a very dangerous problem according to them (even more deadly and destructive of spiritual progress than any material pride in wealth, power, intellect, name and fame). One needs to actively avoid this by praying to God to allow one see Him/Her alone in all and thus overcome this challenge.

Hari Aum Tat Sat.


  1. Namaste,
    You seem to be quite interested in this "twin souls" concept. I see you have written quite a few posts on this topic :-) I agree with you that we must not give too much weightage to this concept and frankly I feel if a twin soul happens to come in one's life, it can be quite a distraction. As it is we have enough distractions in this world and I would rather we do not add to it. Thankfully I have not encountered any twin soul and do not wish to. I am content practicing my spiritual sadhana. Having said that, there are no guarantees in life and if a twin soul does come, one has to still focus on God while managing the encounters with the twin soul. I pray to God that no matter what He give us strength to remain focused on Him and Him alone.

    1. Namaste,
      I was not even aware of this topic much less interested in it until certain events occurred in my life in recent years! :) The need to understand these events led to the discovery of this subject.
      As a spiritual seeker, I found these events initially disturbing but over time, I've realised that they have actually helped in my spiritual journey. As usual, the universe provides each one of us with the specific experiences that we need to progress on the path.
      I entirely agree with your approach not to go about seeking a twin soul-- the sublime goal of God realisation is the one for all human beings to aspire for and the gate to this is open for each one of us.
      May God bless us all in the attainment of Him in this very lifetime.
      Om shanti

  2. Lord krishna has told in Bhagvatam-
    "Through the happiness you get being in my company , O gopis, I burn away all your good karma. And in your feeling of separation from me , I burn away all your bad karma."
    (From my memory so a little words might be here and there)

    Perhaps that is what a twin flame connection does. Burns away our karmas without too much physical punishment perhaps.

    1. Namaste,
      Yes, absolutely. All our connections with people in this world are based upon past karma. The key is to attempt to transcend karma in this lifetime through various spiritual practices so that we may rest in our own nature, which is one with God.
