Tuesday 26 February 2019

Prayer for peace and protection

Hari Aum.

India and many other countries face the menace of terrorism in the world today. There are people who wake up every day with the sole aim of harassing, troubling and destroying other innocent people on this planet. Many of them believe they will get a spiritual reward for committing such atrocities upon other human beings. It is incredible that people can be so deluded as to think that God rewards cruelty and violence.

Ahimsa paramo dharma say the yogis. Non-violence is the highest virtue. However, when the world is facing violence from criminals and terrorists, it is proper and correct to take action against this. It would be violence to sit quiet and allow terrorists to perpetrate violence everywhere.

Let us pray for peace and protection of all those brave people in all countries in the world who protect innocent citizens from violent criminals and terrorists. These include the police, armed forces and secret services of all decent countries who risk their lives daily to protect others. Many of them sacrifice their lives in the fight against criminals.

May God bless the armed forces of all decent countries. Let us pray daily for the strengthening of good, noble forces on this planet and a weakening of negative, destructive energies. A special prayer for the Indian armed forces who are currently facing a heightened threat from terrorists from a neighbouring country. May God bless, guide and protect them to walk the path of dharma (goodness). May goodness prevail on Earth.

Om Namo Narayanaya

Hari Aum Tat Sat

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