Thursday 21 February 2019

Sivananda's song of 'a little' sadhana

Hari Aum.

One of my favourite poems by Sivananda is his song of sadhana, the sadhana of the 'yoga of synthesis' which he says develops the head, heart and hand of the human being (all-round development). I'm sharing this poem here with a link to the article on the yoga of synthesis.

Eat a little, drink a little
Talk a little, sleep a little
Mix a little, move a little
Serve a little, rest a little
Work a little, relax a little
Study a little, worship a little
Do Asana a little, Pranayama a little
Reflect a little, meditate a little
Do Japa a little, do Kirtan a little
Write Mantra a little, have Satsang a little
Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realize
Be good, Do good; Be kind, Be compassionate
Enquire 'Who am I ?', Know the Self and be Free

Link to article on the 'yoga of synthesis':

This yoga of synthesis, described in the poem above, is a nice balanced approach to spiritual life. Doing a lot of just one spiritual practice can make one feel rather unbalanced (e.g. only reading, or doing mantra, or karma yoga).  As the mind usually needs variety, this is an intelligent way to keep it engaged in yogic practices through a combination of the four main paths of yoga- jnana, karma, bhakti and raja yoga.

Hari Aum Tat Sat


  1. Ich mag das Gedicht von Swami Sivananda sehr. Immer wieder kommt es mir im Alltag in den Sinn. Es hilft mir, im richtigen Moment eine kleine Pause einzulegen oder die Arbeit, die getan werden muss anzugehen. Es nimmt mir den Druck, alles perfekt (oder gar nicht) machen zu müssen. Wunderbar. Danke!

    1. Namaste,
      Thank you for your message (I used Google translate to undersand the meaning). I am delighted that you find this poem useful-- I really like it too. May God and Guru bless you with every success in your sadhana.
      Om shanti
